Sphinx Bulma Theme

A simple responsive theme for sphinx using Bulma featuring:

  1. Has built-in dark/light color themes using native CSS and JavaScript

  2. Sphinx built-in text search engine

  3. Extended Sass rulesets from bulma

  4. Support for user-defined favicon and logo from sphinx config

  5. Custom icon font made with [Fontello]

  6. Theme user-defined documentation repository reference


Using pip to install from this repository:

pip install sphinx-bulma


The theme’s project-wide options are defined in the sphinx_bulma/theme.conf
file, and can be defined in your project’s conf.py via
html_theme_options. For example:
html_theme_options = {
  'navigation_depth': 2,           # maximum depth of tree
  'includehidden': True,           # if true sidebar may include toctrees marked with hidden option
  'titles_only': False,            # if true removes headers within a page from the sidebar
  'display_git': False,            # if true options below must be set
  'git_host': 'github.com',        # git host url
  'git_user': 'gh-user',           # your git host username
  'git_repo': 'doc-repo',          # doc repository
  'git_blob': 'blob',              # default for github
  'git_version': 'master/docs/',   # docs folder
  'git_icon': 'github',            # icon to show on docs
  'git_desc': 'Check the sources', # link description
  'default_palette': 'dark',       # default color palette (dark or light)
  'sidebar': True                  # if true sidebar will be rendered
