NOTE: This site is still under construction (new theme for 2024).

José Augusto Goulart

A.K.A. Augusto

I'm a computer science student with a great interest in linguistics, design, history, politics and, you guessed it, computers. This site is mostly an aggregation of links to some of my projects/work and random stuff.

I was introduced to coding through "scripts" mods for video games. After that I learned C, C++, and Assembly (with some mixed results). Then, in my first semesters at university, I started learning a few high-level programming languages, like Python, Lua, Go and Ruby. Still, I prefer to code in C and/or C++.


Unipampa Alegrete

Computer Science

(2019-curr.) Enrolled for Bachelor of Science
(2019-2022) Student representative, Local Assessment Committee
(2022) Management scholarship, academic coordination sector
(2023) Student representative, local (campus) committees and higher (university) commissions
(2023-curr.) Research scholarship, PROBIC FAPERGS
(2023-curr.) Student representative, course committee
Projects (research, extension and teaching)
Investigation of Deep Learning Techniques for Networks and Distributed Systems

Deep Learning is a branch of Machine Learning (ML) focusing on so-called deep Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). These ANNs are composed of several processing layers that have the capacity to assimilate knowledge at varying levels of abstraction. Deep learning has enabled significant advances in large-scale data processing in diverse domains, including computer networks and distributed systems, biology, computer vision, and speech recognition. The general objective of this research project is to investigate and propose machine learning techniques in general, with an emphasis on deep learning, as a mechanism for providing intelligence for computer networks and distributed systems.

RAF Program - Family Farming Tracking

The Family Farming Products Traceability Program (PRORAF)'s main objective is to enable traceability and generate quality seals for products generated by family farming. In this sense, three specific objectives are aimed at: qualifying family farming data, promoting community labeling and evolving underlying information systems. The PRORAF executing team will hold periodic meetings to discuss and organize, collaboratively, the actions to be carried out to meet each of its specific objectives. In this way, the program will allow academics, teachers and TAES and members of the external community to debate and act on the reality of local family farming, in a transdisciplinary and interprofessional way. The program is related to one of the subprojects of the umbrella research, development and innovation project called "Center for Agrotechnology and Innovation of Pampa Cluster of research, development, innovation and business: from family farming to industrial production", which is supported by FAPERGS within the scope of EDITAL FAPERGS 02/2022 - INOVA CLUSTERS TECNOLÓGICOS.

Clube Open Source

The use of open collaboration principles in software development has proven important for several industries. These principles facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experiences according to the possibilities of each developer, regardless of hierarchical levels and/or technical qualifications, which favors the technical and interpersonal maturity of teams. This project aims to establish the Clube Open Source (COS) to introduce and disseminate the principles of open collaboration, enabling technologies and open source products in the academic environment. These objectives will be achieved through technical workshops aimed at undergraduate students at the Alegrete campus. As a result, we hope to improve the quality of the software developed, in addition to qualifying students' technical and interpersonal skills.


Student Association

(2023) Founder of the association
(2023-curr.) Elected as General-Director
Read further here.


DOI GOULART, JOSÉ A. S.; F. JUNIOR, WASHINGTON L. M.; PAIM, KAYUÃ O.; LUNARDI, GABRIEL M.; KREUTZ, DIEGO L.; MANSILHA, RODRIGO B. FWNL: Um Sistema de Processamento de Linguagem Natural para Configuração de Múltiplos Firewalls In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais, 2022, Brasil.
Anais Estendidos do XXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais (SBSeg Estendido 2022). Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2022. p.119 - 126